Finding high-quality, dependable childcare just got easier. At Tiger Tales Childcare, we strive to provide the highest-quality childcare and educational services available. We do this by providing children with a warm, friendly, structured, motivational and safe environment. Here, they can find success and acceptance while developing at their own pace.
Learn more about our program by calling 309-593-4039 today.
Children are growing every day, so they need all the right nutrition to develop properly. Tiger Tales Childcare incorporates well-balanced meals into our childcare services. We serve breakfast, morning snacks, lunch and afternoon snacks to all of the children in our care every single day.
You want the best for your children, and our team works every day to make that possible. Parents choose Tiger Tales Childcare over other childcare programs because...
Have questions about our program? We're more than happy to answer them. Speak with a team member today.